W'azuhra Mina

"Hmm... Still needs more blue!"
Basic Info
Name: W'azuhra Mina
Nicknames: Stray, Fishercat, W'azu/Azu.
Gender: Female.
Age: 18
Race: Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace: Eastern La Noscea
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Preference: Monogamous.
Occupation (Current): University Student / Fisherwoman in The Fishing Guild in Limsa Lominsa.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 4 Fulms, 9.5 Ilms.
Weight: 105 Ponze.
Hair: Ash Grey with Black highlights.
Eyes: Amber.

Character Details
Brief Story:
W'azuhra was born in a small village located in Eastern La Noscea and was raised by her adoptive mother and the people who lived there. She never met her parents, not even knowing their names, the little Miqo'te grew up without a surname.Being sired from a non breeding male, W'azuhra's existence was not meant to be. before the others from the Wolf tribe discovered their secret, the couple decided to leave and give birth to the baby away from them. Without a tribe and experience on living on their own, their future was doomed. Fearing for their child, the couple had to leave her in the care of a kind woman they met.The young Miqo'te grew up being very cheerful and curious girl, also drawing attention for not having a surname, and a few times even suffering discrimination due to that. But that didn't seen to bother the little girl, she wanted to know why she was different, many times trying to run away from home to go after her real parents, but always giving up on the idea in the end. W'azuhra loved her adoptive mother dearly and was always following her around, asking many question about pretty much anything and trying to help in her clumsy way.This peace didn't last long, when the young girl was eleven summers old, her mother died of a unknown illness. Having lost her only parent, W'azuhra had no reason left to stay and even with all the danger, she decided to leave the small village in search of her parents.

W'azuhra is naturally a very kind, talkative and endlessly curious girl who shows great interest in that which catches her attention, and is easily distracted by them. Due to this, W'azuhra can be very blunt, often asking rather invasive or off-putting questions. As a true Seeker Miqo'te, W'azuhra is an affectionate person and a "free spirit," someone who has a genuine passion for learning new and strange things and isn't afraid to speak her mind or show how she feels.